With the system not even released yet, there are no rule questions. However, if you’ve downloaded the Quick Start rules and have a question, please use the submission form here.

From the QuickStart

These questions are on matter in the QuickStart rules available for free here.

I don’t get how Nazz in the example play managed to get a injury with 18 Fate. She got 6 Gains, which is +12, plus the weapon Lethality of 5 makes 17. 18 is more than 17, shouldn’t it be 17 or less for an Injury?

For calculating AP you multiply the Gains x 2 and add it to the weapon AP. For Lethality it is multiplicative, so you take Nazz’s Weapon Lethality of 5 and multiply that by Gains, which is 5 x 6 Gains = 30. You then add any additives to this base lethality, such as from the Deadly Skill, high Intellect and other factors. Nazz had 18 for her Fate Die, which is under 30, so it’s an Injury for sure. (Ref Pg 13 QuickStart Rules under Injury)

How does Hesperia get 7 Gains to cast her ‘breath of the forge’ spell when her primoridal skills is only 20? How does she roll more than 5 gains with only 5 dice?

Spell weaving is an Extended Test (Pg 17 QuickStart Rules under Spell Weaving). It will definitely take her more than one Round to complete the spell, and each round she fails to complete the spell she will take Backlash(Pg 17 QS Rules under Backlash). An Extended action is rerolved by accumulating Gains over multiple Rounds. (Pg 6 QS Rules under Extended Test)